The Formula for Success Page 13
Forex trading, 13–14, 110, 116, 120–1
Frazier, Joe, 39–41
fundamental analysis, trading, 13–14
future, visualizing, Muhammad Ali, 155, 165
gambling, 116–17 versus risk, 117–18
Gates, Bill, 151
Giving Pledge, 151
greatness/great people, studying, 144–6
greed and fear, 6–8, 120, 124–5
green energy companies, investing in, 137–9
Guinn, Elliot, 56–8
happiness Alan Watts' formula, 150, 161
doing what you love, 103, 152, 157, 159, 162, 166
helping people/good causes, 137–8
honesty in trading, 90–1
honour displayed throughout the market, 91
HSBC, unethical activities, 133
humility, Warren Buffett, 151, 162
humour, Alan Watts' speeches, 150, 161
ideal life, writing down, 106
implementation plan, making, 158–61
inaction, risk of, 179
incidents, short-selling, 131–4
income, multiple sources of, 126
indifference, 30
inflation, impact on low-interest savings, 121
intelligent risk-taking, 157–8, 159–60, 166
interest rates, 121
Jobs, Steve, 145 qualities of, 152–3, 163
judgement by other people, 80–2
Junior Training Programme (JTP), 111, 125–6
Leach, James, 181–3
Leach, Samuel, 95–7
Leach theory, 143–60 step 1: choosing 5 successful people, 147–8
step 2: identifying traits, 148–56
step 3: comparing characteristics, 156–8
step 4: implementation plan, 158–60
learning a new skill, 11–12
learning from mistakes, 71–2
learning from other people's experiences, 145–6
lobster analogy, 171–3
London Stock Exchange, 90
losing and winning, 8–10
lottery, odds of wining, 15, 120, 123
Marciano, Rocky, 8–9
martial arts, 32
mental strength, 165
Merlin Entertainment, 131–2
mindset, 5–6 fear and greed, 6–8
winning entails losing, 8–10
mirroring successful people, 146
mistakes, learning from, 71–2, 146
money, 4–5 in the bank, loss in value of, 121
emotions attached to, 7–8
mindset mastery, 5–6
see also wealth
moral principles, following, 96–7
motivational speeches, Alan Watts, 149–50, 161
Musk, Elon, 153–5, 164
observation of other people's actions and attitudes, 79–80
odds, calculating, 117
oil companies, unscrupulous, 134–6
oil rig workers, attractive salary of, 52
oil spillage, BP, 133–4
open outcry trading, end of, 90–1
opinion of others, importance of, 80–2
Orr, Chaz, 109–12
other people's judgements, importance of, 80–2
out-of-the-box thinking, 150, 161
panic versus patience, 6–7, 9, 124–5
Pareto Principle (80:20 rule), 5–6
passion/interest, effects of pursuing, 64–6
passion, Steve Jobs, 153, 163
Patel, Atish, 125–7
patience, 9–10, 14–16, 124–7
penny stocks, 131, 134–5, 139
planning for worst-case scenario, 176–7
poker, 123–4
positive reaction to discomfort, 170
positive thinking, 81–2
practice-expertise link, 54–5
preparation and planning, Muhammad Ali, 155–6, 165
pressure situations, evaluating, 79–80
promises, making, 50 on the trading floor, 90–1
prosperity algorithm, finding your own, 185–6
pursuit of excellence vs money, Steve Jobs, 153, 163
qualities of successful people, 161–5
recognition/reputation, gaining, 93, 95
Redline Specialist Cars, 86
researching the markets, 9, 56, 93, 117, 122, 137, 179, 180
responsibility for own actions, taking, 76–7
risk profiles, 118–20
risk-taking, 116–27 intelligent, 157–8, 159–60, 166
never taking unnecessary risks, Warren Buffet, 151, 162
and patience, 124–7
by Steve Jobs, 153, 163
risk tolerance, 119 Elon Musk, 154, 164
rollercoaster collision, 131–2
rules of computer games, 71
see also algorithms
safety net, importance of having, 177
scam seminars, 52–4, 97
schooling, focusing on what children enjoy, 62–4
second chances, 49–51
self-belief, 81–2, 166 Elon Musk, 155, 164
Muhammad Ali, 155, 165
self-description, 105–6
self-knowledge, 103–6
self-management, Warren Buffett, 151, 162
seminars on trading, 91–2
shares in penny stock company, 134–5
short-selling/spread betting, 131–3, 135
Singh, Raj, 97–8 prosperity algorithm of, 98–9
skills development, 65–6
smart risk-taking, 157–8, 159–60, 166
Solent swim, 174–5
spread betting, 130–1, 132, 133, 135
standing out from the crowd, Elon Musk, 154, 166
starting a business, 177
stocks and shares, 130
successful people applying characteristics to own life, 158–60
choosing wisely, 147–8
comparing key characteristics of, 156–8
identifying traits of, 148–56
talents, trading up, 106–7
teaching others how to trade, 96
team building, 67–70
teams belief in/trust in, 155, 159, 164, 166
learning to build using a computer game, 67–70
teamwork, 92–3
technical analysis aspect of trading, 13
thinking differently, Alan Watts, 150, 161
time, valuing limited, 72, 102–3 Steve Jobs, 152, 163
Tools of the Titans (Ferriss), 175
Traders' Challenge, 183–5
trading tips, 4–5 broader picture, understanding, 12–14
education, 10–12
mindset, 5–10
patience, 14–16
training courses on trading exorbitant cost of, 92
learning to avoid, 94
scam seminars, 52–4, 97
traits in Leach theory algorithm, 166
of successful people, 148–56, 161–5
of would-be entrepreneurs, 65–6
trust, recognizing and building, 76–86
Twerski, Abraham, 171
Tyson, Mike, 35–7
uncomfortable feeling, learning to overcome, 170–80
unethical investment/trading, 131–4
uniqueness, 104–5, 109
unnecessary risks, Warren Buffet, 151, 162
vision, Alan Watts, 149, 161
Watts, Alan, 149–50, 161
wealth, 103–4 and happiness, 150, 161
and risk, 179–80
using to fund good causes, 137–9, 151
winning and losing, 8–10 trading to win, 122–4
work ethic, 158, 160, 166
worst-case scenario, defining, 175–7
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